Thursday, 15 March 2012

Descriptive Paragraph

Mood: feeling  lost, curious yet scared, mysterious, angst

Bridge in the Jungle
I stood paralyzed on the desolate bridge, unwilling to move yet wanting to push forward and continue along the wooden path that was suspended in air. I stared down the bridge, observing the twists and turns of the broken planks of wood, and the rough rope that was firmly holding up the feeble bridge. Beads of sweat formed on my neck and slowly dripped down my stiff back, making me feel very uncomfortable and more claustrophobic by the second. I wanted to scream in anguish, over the sound of chirping birds, and rustling leaves, but I knew it wouldn’t help me progress any further. Not that I wanted to go any further, but it was the only possible option that I had left. I couldn’t stay glued onto the bridge any longer.
I took a deep breath, preparing myself before I took another step forward. The only thing that was keeping my sanity alive was the fresh scent of the green leaves. When combined with the sticky moist air, the sensation was overwhelming. But I couldn’t care less. My vision started to blend in with the mist, and the air started to close in around me. I needed to move. Now. I gingerly lifted my leg and placed it on the board in front of me, hoping it would not give way beneath me. It was a gamble I was willing to take, not just because I couldn’t be stuck in the middle of nowhere for the rest of eternity, but because I could not cope with not knowing what lies at the end of the tunnel, or bridge in my case.
I finally put full force on the dirty plank of wood. It did not crack. The bridge creaked a little and I exhaled in relief. Now for the next step. I placed my other foot down and with a little more confidence I firmly planted it. It did not budge. I moved my other foot up and completely stood on the piece of wood. This wasn’t going to be so bad after all. Then I tried again. Placing my foot in front of me once more, I stepped forward. Suddenly, I heard a snap. The board I was previously standing on gave way and my mind went numb. I didn’t even have time to react, as the board in front of me shattered as well. And the next thing I knew I was plunging backwards into abyss of shrubs and roots, not knowing if I was going to make it or not.

Bright, yet dim

Creaking of the bridge
Chirping of the birds


Splinters from Wood
Light and airy (on the bridge)


  1. Great Paragraph! I loved the various descriptive words you used to help describe the event.Your immense detail made me very interested in what was happening, and made me sit on the edge of my seat while reading. You also showed a great ability to convey a frightening and nerve racking experience through the way you wrote.

  2. I feel like I'm actually in a muggy jungle, staring out over a bridge. Your description of fear and anguish at crossing this unstable bridge are very real and draw the reader into conflict of Should I stay or go? You took a somewhat mundane picture and crafted a story around it that is very dramatic and keeps the reader wanting more. Excellent use of adjectives, and well done.
    Just a quick question, what's so bad about this bridge? Is it that unstable that it drives people mad to look at it? Or does it just make the crosser very angsty?

