Going to Singapore: My Camera Bag
Important Object
My I-Pod
I know this is going to sound a little sad, but my i-pod is quite important to me. It is a 8G i-pod touch and I bought it about a year ago. It represents my love for listening to music and just sitting back and relaxing. It's just a great thing to lie down in my bed and jam my earphones in and shut the rest of the world out. Unlike a lot of people, I never had a i-pod/mp3 until last year so this is my first portable music device. So I was quite excited when I finally had enough money to buy one. I use it a lot to listen to all the songs I like and to just surf the internet and relax or just to do something when I'm bored to death. Sometimes I use it too much though, or sometimes if I don't use it for a few days, I get antsy. However, even when the battery dies for good and I can't use it anymore, I will always remember it as my first i-pod, how I saved up a good chunk of money to buy it and what my taste in music was like at this time.
A Hope and Dream of the Future
Get First Place Medal in a Track and Field event
I have been to many, many track meets and sometimes I do good, while other times I do not so good. Some track meets I've managed to get second place, and it is absolutely an thrilling feeling to achieve that. However, I would really like to get first place in a race (or long jump) someday. These shiny silver medals represent that I've got second in many events and it's a reminder that I can still do even better (not that second place is bad at all). By looking at these medals, I'm happy that I've done this well at track which is something that I love doing. But it would be nice to actually win a race someday, and when I'll be able to do that, I'm not sure. I will have to keep practicing and trying to improve, and hopefully soon, I can win a race or a long jump event. It's going to be hard to do though, since the people I compete against are extremely good. However by seeing these medals and knowing that God has good things in store, it reminds me that I've come far, and that if I can get second, I can definitely first someday.
Nice job Yvette. I really like how colourful your bag is. Keep working hard, you will win a race someday. It's really reassuring that God has good things in store for us. It's also cool that you've got good memeories attached to these intersting objects. Keep up the good work.